
Bootstrap 4 extended with 2 additional breakpoints: xxl (1900px) and xxxl (3000px)

How does it look?

Resize your browser to see it in action!

You are viewing the xs breakpoint

You are viewing the sm breakpoint

You are viewing the md breakpoint

You are viewing the lg breakpoint

You are viewing the xl breakpoint

You are viewing the xxl breakpoint

You are viewing the xxxl breakpoint

Each div below has the following classes: .col-12 .col-md-6 .col-lg-4 .col-xl-3 .col-xxl-2 .col-xxxl-1

Lorem ipsum dolor amet 8-bit
pitchfork swag mixtape shaman typewriter
Adaptogen vegan selvage schlitz
bicycle rights echo park XOXO
gastropub af subway tile twee
Taxidermy XOXO vinyl scenester
Hot chicken selfies iPhone
street art retro viral try-hard
stumptown wolf typewriter
Waistcoat tattooed meggings occupy
asymmetrical kale chips affogato
beard kombucha authentic polaroid sriracha

I want to use it!

It's available on npm using npm install bootstrap-xxl.

I want to fork it!

Head over to